In addition to the quality hams we have been recognized for, the Honey Bee Ham Company has developed a great line of Specialty Products that meet the Honey Bee seal of approval; many of which cannot be found anywhere else in Southern Ontario. Sanders, Lakeside Pickles, Hunter's Hot and Mild Pepperettes, Canadian Style Bacon, and many more... ask us about our 'Off the Bone' Ham Slices (maximum 5 lbs per customer).

Honeycup Mustard

Baby dill pickles 750ml

Brad and butter pickles 750ml

Dill Pickls with garlic 1L

Quarter dills 750ml

Whole Hot banana peppers

Sun Palor Honey

Ted Farron's gourmet barbecue sauce

Candian Style Back Bacon

Skinless Franks

Franks in a Natural Lamb Casing

Sanders Dark Bittersweet Hot Fudge Sauce

Hunters Sausage